Harv--I am with you on the first tracks deal....but, big but. I teach on weekends in the winter. Thus after working m-f I am up and out at 5am and not back till 3pm--or 5 some days. She's not happy. With small ones, she would not let me put my son (or this year both) in ski day care---due to all the colds kids have/bring. Our ski day care has to be one of the best. My son loves it during weekdays---just about one-on-one, with mostly elderly or very young "volunteers" watching. They work for ski passes. Thankfully our ski day care opens 1 hour before the wheels turn. At Gore and other big mountains though, I have to agree...WTF? You basically have cheep labor and are charging expensive rates....if you have customers at the door...OPEN THEM>