So said Marie Antoinette to the problems of the suffering masses. That cost her.

Here's an example of what happens when Government Authorities are even somewhat unanswerable to the people and due process. Most of us are all for protecting the wilderness. Me too. What we are against is unfair, unequal, abusive treatment from bullies in power. I will always be against that. Always.

In this region, there's been people who wanted to put a pond on their property but after years of huge legal expenses and work for approval they were told no pond. Low and behold, just down the road a person with influence very easily and quickly gets permission to build a pond. Said pond is there today.

People with connections also suddenly get Lakeside property that was never permited developable or purchasable by others not connected. Sometimes this occurs when land is tranfered from a escrow,etc to the Park and Low and Behold a Lakeside parcel flops into the lap of a person with influence or retired from Govt. Amazing.

In this article you'll read how an average retired couple faced 2.9 million dollars in fines from the APA. Can you imagine? Talk about pressure.

Then all of a sudden, a case that went on for years was all very majically dropped. Information arose that would have potentailly taken it out of Park legal venues and possibly into Criminal Court. That sent the rats running for cover quick. Very quick.

" There's no violations here....Bye! " hehehe.

It's been my experience that when dialogue fails, sometimes , you just need to find the right stick with which to whack 'em with. The Bill of Rights is God's gift to Mankind. The Post Star has been proving itself an ally to the people. Proper 1st Amendment usage.